Our Innovative PPC Pricing Structure

Our pay-per-click (PPC) marketing and management service is $299 one time setup fee plus a monthly management fee of $100 + 5% of ad budget. Usually in the first month there is a lot of activity because we do everything we can to prove to you that our PPC services can be a successful strategy for your business. Our pricing structure is affordable to any small business wanting to try out our services. There are other agencies that charge thousands a month making the cost prohibited to most small business.

Total Advertising Budget

per month

  • $300
  • $800
  • $1,500
  • $5,000
  • $10,000

Actual % Fee

per month

  • 38.33%
  • 17.50%
  • 14.33%
  • 7.8%
  • 6%

Our Reporting

We report monthly on your campaign’s success regarding keyword choice and text choice. Additionally, after you review the report, we’ll book a call with you to explain your campaign’s progress, direction, and answer any questions you may have.